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Тема: рациональный выбор антибиотикотерапии при генитальной инфекции.


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15. Hillier S. Microbiological etiology // In: Hansfield HH (ed): Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Hospital Practice (special report). - 1990. - S. 13-18.
16. Hillier SL, Eshenbach DA, Zambrano D. Clindamycin in the treatment of obstetric-gynecologic infections. In: Zambrano D (ed): Clindamycin in the treatment of human
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17. Nicoletti G, Furneri PM, Temperara G. Epidemiology and Etiology of upper genital tract infections// In: Pelvic inflammatory desease: etiology, diagnosis and managment.
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26. Wolner - Hanssen P. Clinical manifestations and diagnosis // In: Hansfield HH (ed): Pelvic inflammatory disease. Hospital Practice (special report). - 1990. - s. 19-23.
27. Zambrano D. The role of anaerobic bacteria in human infections // Clinical Theraupeutics. - 1993. - v. 15., n.2. - s. 244-260.

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